The most dietary

overweight and weight loss diet is the most

The Internet is full of the best diets: the most effective, the easiest, the fastest and the best diets. How can you choose the best for yourself?

Unfortunately, most diets for one person are not suitable for another. Therefore, before choosing the diet itself, it is important to consider all aspects and focus on the option that will bring more benefit than harm.

Depending on the amount of excess fat you can choose a short or long diet. For example, after the New Year holidays, fast diets or fasting days will help perfectly. If you have a lot of extra pounds, then you need to go on a long diet, at least two weeks.

If you have chronic diseases or allergies to certain foods, then you should choose a diet that not only does not harm, but also helps to avoid unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

And remember that most diets should not cause you any inconvenience. You need to feel good and in a good mood. You need to be calm so as not to harm the diet.

The fastest diet

Fast diets are diets that give maximum effect in minimum time, often give short-term results, but for emergencies you should have them in your arsenal. Such diets can be either mono diets or low calorie diets.

Monodiet includes hungry days of kefir, buckwheat, apples and baked potatoes. These diets can be extended by several days or even weeks, but it is better not to abuse them, as the body is severely deficient in vitamins and minerals.

You can significantly reduce your diet to 4 apples, one lemon, 200 g of cooked lean meat and a few pieces of dried bread.

Another way to lose weight fast is to drink a glass of warm water before each meal, after which you should eat a large portion of salad seasoned with oil and lemon juice or low-fat yogurt. As a dish you can use boiled eggs, boiled lean meat or cereals.

The simplest diet

One of the simplest is the water diet. You do not need to change your food system or follow a special menu. Just before eating you should drink a glass or two of warm water. Thus, the water will take the place of food in the stomach, which will not allow it to be filled with excess food.

The most effective diet

One of the most effective can be recognized as the so-called protein diet. It is based on the calculation of points that are determined for the use of protein products per day, you should use 20 points at the beginning of the diet, after 40.

The best diet

Many diets compete for this title, but System-60 fans consider it the most effective. They don't even call it a diet, but a nutrition system, so you can't sit on it for a week, lose a few pounds and start eating the old way. If this system is chosen, then you should sit on it, ideally, for life.

In addition, the -60 system is quite simple and varied, eating this system, the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. This diet is also recognized as the safest, there will be no disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or other body systems.

This food system is based on the principles of separate eating, as well as the fact that in the morning all calories are burned due to the vital activity of the body and do not have time to be deposited in the form of fat layers.

So for breakfast you can eat whatever you want. Thus, there will be no constant thoughts about a particular dish (chocolate, french fries or pasta), which often happens when following strict diets with a clear menu.

For lunch, you can eat vegetables in combination with meat and fish (ie carbohydrates with protein), but potatoes and pasta can not be combined with meat. For example, in soups, if cooked in broth, you can not add potatoes. You can also use any dairy or yogurt with a normal fat content.

Dinner is the most complex meal, there are separate groups of foods that can be consumed. For example, cooked meat or fish, or vegetables, or cereals. All dishes are either cooked, baked or stewed. These product groups should not be mixed. Dinner should not end later than 4 hours before bedtime, then you can take a glass of dry red wine and a few pieces of cheese.

Another important condition is the obligatory sports, at least half an hour a day.